Let’s start the week off right with my quick and easy beetroot carpaccio…yup, I’m on the rainbow train for appealing and delicious food which is good for you.
It’s in season, tasty and brimming with goodness. Did you know, beetroot decreases the risk of obesity, diabetes, heart disease and even helps to promote hair growth?! Wooohoo!
Here’s a super quick recipe for my tasty version of beetroot carpaccio:
?All you need is:
· 3-5 candy striped beetroot, sliced finely or with a mandolin (BE CAREFUL WITH YOUR FINGERS!)
· 2-3 blood oranges (or regular oranges if not in season), sliced finely · 3 tablespoons of olive oil and 3 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar, whisked together
· 1 teaspoon of Himalayan pink salt and cracked black pepper @steenbergsltd
Simply arrange your sliced beetroot with your sliced oranges and drizzle over you dressing and seasoning, let it sit for a least an hour before serving so the beetroot can soak up all the flavours.
Happy Baking!
Recipe Creator and founder of nikibakes ?